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3rd Annual HHS Chuck-A-Duck Fundraiser

Huntley High School’s Raider Nation students invite the community to participate in the third annual Chuck-A-Duck fundraiser! The fundraiser consists of an online donation (purchase of a rubber duck for $5), then a “duck toss” event on 2/14 at HHS to win prizes. All proceeds will benefit the Grafton Food Pantry and Andrew’s Assist, a local organization supporting heart disease prevention for youth.

Ducks go on sale starting Monday, February 3. Individuals interested in supporting the cause can donate online via the district’s Webstore (click Donations/Fundraisers). Sales will be open until 6pm on 2/14. Raider Nation students will also be selling the ducks at HHS during lunch periods February 3-7 & February 10-12.

The duck toss event will be held at Huntley High School (east gym) on Friday, February 14th at 7pm, in between the girls and boys varsity basketball games. Those who purchase ducks will be invited to throw their duck onto the court; those whose ducks land closest to the target will win a prize.

This year’s prizes include a 75 inch Samsung Smart TV, 1 TB Sony Playstation 5, a Jetson Volt X Electric Go Kart, a HP Pavilion 15.6” Touchscreen Anti-Glare Laptop, a Hewlett Packard HP 21.5” All-in-One Desktop, a Monster XL6 600 Amp, a Simplisafe Security System, a Jetson Hoverboard, a Whisper Creek foursome golf outing package, a 2025 Huntley High School Prom Package (2 Tickets, 1 Dress from Gipper Prom), Two (2) 2025 Huntley High School homecoming tickets, and generous gift cards packages and baskets from restaurants and other local establishments

Donations made by those not able to pick up their duck or attend the event on the 14th will go directly to the Grafton Food Pantry and Andrew's Assist. Questions? Reach out to Brad Aney, HHS social studies teacher, at or (847) 650-6566.