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What to Expect on the ACT

Test Structure Information

Total Testing Time: 2 hours 14 minutes


1. Evidence-Based Reading and Writing

2. Math

3. Essay (optional)

Important Features:

– Focus on the knowledge, skills, and understandings that research has identified as most important for college and career readines and success

– Greater emphasis on the meaning of words in extended contexts and on how word choice shapes mearning, tone, and impact

– Rights-only scoring (no penalty for guessing)


– Optional and given at the end of the SAT: Postsecondary institutions determine whether they will require the Essay for admission

– 50 minutes to write the essay

– Tests reading, analysis, and writing skills; students produce a written analysis of a provided source text

Score Reporting:

– Scale ranging from 400 to 1600

– Scale raning from 200 to 800 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing; 200 to 800 points for Math; 2 to 8 on each of three dimensions for Essay

– Essay results reported separately

Subscore Reporting:

– Subscores for every test, providing added insight for students, parents, admission officers, educators, and counselors

Testing Length and Timing:

Reading and Writing: 64 minutes allotted with 54 questions/tasks

Math: 70 minutes allotted with 44 questions/tasks

Total: 134 minutes allotted with 98 questions/tasks